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Sāscan is an emerging healthcare innovation company founded in 2015 by a diverse and experienced team of scientists, doctors, design thinkers, and business developers who are passionate about making a difference in the lives of people.  The name Sāscan is derived from two words – सांस in Hindi pronounced as ‘Saanz’ meaning breath and ‘can’ that stands for cancer. The oxygen in the air we breathe or our ‘Sās’ is transported throughout the body in the form of oxygenated hemoglobin and we at Sāscan use oxygenated haemoglobin absorption maps to locate potentially malignant transformation in tissue.


The primary objective of the company is to develop affordable healthcare products and solutions for cancer care based on biophotonics and allied technologies and to make these products available to all through sustainable business models and create impact among the population at the base of the pyramid. Our first product is a hand-held screening camera for early detection of oral cancer, which has a high prevalence among the rural population in the country.

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Minimum 4 weeks

Required Skills

Postgraduate student of health / medicine

Commencement Date


Choose one or more of the following areas:

  • Oral cancer screening, detection and disease management

  • Cervical cancer screening, detection and disease management

  • Photodynamic therapy

  • OR any other area related to Cancer screening, detection & management

You will be assigned a mentor / supervisor 

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