Pykih is a 6 year old information design studio based out of Delhi. We have worked with 90+ brands across 7 countries.
Since 2017, we have started focusing on journalism and civic media. Most of our work has been focused on how can we help independent media build digital products that can help communicate evidence and news in a structured
fashion. Clients include Washington DC based International Center for Journalists, UNDP India, Oxfam India, CEEW, etc.
One of our co-founders Ritvvij Parrikh was a Knight Fellow with ICFJ for over 3.5 years and has consulted with multiple news companies in India. In another company that Ritvvij co-founded (and eventually quit), Ritvvij has implemented multiple media research projects. One of them was WhatsApp commissioned project where the team implemented a nation-wide verification tipline for India General Elections.

UX Writing for a Content Management System
Minimum 6 weeks
Required Skills
Experience in copywriting
Commencement Date
News and journalism is in a state of flux. The advertising model has collapsed. BigTech continue to drive audiences into echo chambers. This is resulting in fragmentation of media as more journalists are going independent. This movement is broadly being termed as Passion Economy or Creator Economy.
In this context, we are building a new product called Humane Club — a subscription service for independent media, academia, and think tanks to build their digital presence. As part of the subscription, we provide technology CMS, along with coming up with content (courses, insights, digests) that will help them build purposeful media products.
What will you gain? Experience in writing copy for a SaaS product for easy onboarding. This includes button names, help text, support documentation, chat messages, error messages
UI Designer to help design a new CMS
Minimum 6 weeks​
Required Skills
Wireframing tool (Figma)
Commencement Date
News and journalism is in a state of flux. The advertising model has collapsed. BigTech continue to drive audiences into echo chambers. This is resulting in fragmentation of media as more journalists are going independent. This movement is broadly being termed as Passion Economy or Creator Economy.
In this context, we are building a new product called Humane Club — a subscription service for independent media, academia, and think tanks to build their digital presence. As part of the subscription, we provide technology CMS, along with coming up with content (courses, insights, digests) that will help them build purposeful media products.
What will you gain? You will learn how to build a responsive, modular UI system for consumer-facing media sites.
What you should have? You should know HTML5, CSS3 and a wireframing tool like Figma. Your UI concepts should be clear — grids, layouts, typography, colors, etc. You need to have an eye for seeing visual details.
What we do? Together, we will create detailed Swipe Files for inspiration. Design a UI design language for Humane Sites in Figma.
Research & Content Writing
Minimum 6 weeks
Required Skills
Good at research: finding research papers, books, articles, etc
Ability to write structured summaries (digests) along with citations
Commencement Date
News and journalism is in a state of flux. The advertising model has collapsed. BigTech continue to drive audiences into echo chambers. This is resulting in fragmentation of media as more journalists are going independent. This movement is broadly being termed as Passion Economy or Creator Economy.
In this context, we are building a new product called Humane Club — a subscription service for independent media, academia, and think tanks to build their digital presence. As part of the subscription, we provide technology CMS, along with coming up with content (courses, insights, digests) that will help them build purposeful media products.
What will we achieve?
Setup a listening grid of experts in this field on Twitter and Feedly.
Produce a weekly newsletter on the topic that curates the best reading material on the topic.
Write a digest or primer on the topic.
Create a like concept list on the topics.
Create a SWIPE file of smart examples.
Opening #1: Passion Economy
Build a detailed understanding about a new movement - Passion Economy, Creator Economy, and decentralization in news and journalism.
Opening #2: Content Strategy and Information Architecture
Build a detailed understanding about the two most fundamental skills that are required in running any media product. Your output will go in a course we are building called - "Design For Cognition."
Opening #3: Copywriting
Build a detailed understanding about copywriting for the web. How to write copy for homepage, sales page, product page, about page, call to actions, tone, cold call emails, etc. Your output will go in a course we are building called - "Design For Cognition."
Opening #4: Design for a calmer Internet
Build an understanding of how to design web properties that do not cause stress, addiction, is accessible, and inclusive. You will also be reading up on two design concepts - supernormal and wabi sabi and studying how companies like Muji design. Your output will go in a course we are building called - "Design For Cognition."